Why I Didn't Go the Beach Body Route...

business health weight loss Mar 13, 2019

I've been thinking about writing this post for a while, as it seems like every day I get more and more pitches to join Beach Body, It Works, Arbonne, or some other "health" related MLM.

Peter and I have been helping men & women get healthy and go plant-based for the last 7 years, and from the very beginning we've been very clear about our beliefs...

We believe in lifestyle transformations.

We believe in whole foods over supplements.

Diets don't work.

There is no magic pill or shake when it comes to weight loss.

I can't get my ideal body in 21 days because my ideal body is a healthy body that prevents and reverses disease, not one that looks good for a month.

This is not to bash anyone who uses any of these products, or coaches for these companies, this is my own opinion.

I'm committed to plant-based nutrition and long term sustainable weight loss. As is Peter :)

A few other things I really don't connect with when it comes to these MLM's:

  1. I don't believe in intense workouts all of the time. I find this puts a lot of stress on the body and ages the body fast. I'm working on reverse aging :)
  2. I'm obsessed with digestion, and a lot of these companies have you doing a shake with way too many ingredients that digest at different rates, pretty much on the daily.
  3. The biggest issue for me is that they perpetuate the diet mentality so many of us are working hard to end. I've had so many clients come to me over the last few years, working for these companies, yet still struggling with their weight and not feeling truly healthy in their bodies. Some would yo-yo, they'd lose the weight and gain it back, and some never lost more after the first few weeks - that is NOT a plan I can stand behind!
    And truth be told, I don't want to push shakes & supplements. I'm just not into it.

I want to teach people how to use fruits and vegetables to heal.

I know in today's society that can be a harder sell, but that's what I did, and it just feels more authentic to me. #RealTalk

So in case you were wondering, we're not fans of MLM's over here at The Seasonal Diet headquarters. If you've been part of this tribe since the beginning, you know we're super picky when it comes to the quality of products, and we have to be aligned with the company's values.

Nothing but the best!!! You deserve that too.

For now, we'll continue to promote a plant-based lifestyle, one that not only helps you lose weight but allows you to keep it off forever!

As much as I love my beach body, I love my healthy body even more :)



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